On April 3, 2024, a remarkable event unfolded at Stegeman Coliseum as thousands of attendees, predominantly students, united for the Unite Georgia conference hosted by the organization Unite US. This free event aimed to address the pressing issues faced by Gen Z and celebrate the transformative power of faith through worship and music.
The Birth of Unite US:
Unite US was born out of a simple prayer group initiated by retired educator Tonya Prewett at Auburn University. Starting with just five girls, the group quickly grew to 200 students, a testament to the deep hunger for spiritual connection and community among young people. Prewett’s vision for a massive worship event was realized as 5,000 students gathered to experience the presence of Jesus Christ.
A Night of Worship and Music:
Unite Georgia featured powerful speakers discussing the challenges and opportunities facing Gen Z, as well as uplifting music from the band Lindy and the Circuit Riders. The atmosphere was electric as students from various backgrounds and walks of life came together to worship and connect with one another.
The Mission of Unite US:
Unite US is dedicated to uniting college students in the name of Jesus, fostering a sense of purpose, belonging, and spiritual growth among the next generation. Through events like Unite Georgia, the organization seeks to create a lasting impact on the lives of young people, inspiring them to embrace their faith and live with purpose.
A Call to Action:
If you’re a student seeking meaning, community, and a deeper connection with Jesus Christ, we invite you to join the movement.